Looking for Fun & Done series? We've got the manga reads for you! (Ends 7/13)
Jul 07, 2020
Save big on short series with huge stories
Look, we get it, sometimes you don't have the time to jump int that 100+ volume ninja pirate sorcery fantasy manga series. That's ok. If you were looking for engaging and exciting manga stories you could finish in a single evening have we got the selection for you! Right now you can check out the beautiful revisionist fantasy fable Red Riding Hood's Wolf Apprentice, martial arts masterpiece Golosseum, the darkly hilarious Good Dog, Cerberus!, even the supernatural romantic comedy That Wolf Boy is Mine, and more for up to 50% off each volume! Stock right now on several series that will thrill you and also leave you and your wallet satisfied. Just visit one of our participating digital vendors to save up to 50% off select Kodansha Comics & VERTICAL manga: BookWalker, comiXology, Google Play, Kindle, Nook and izneo. Sale runs from July 7 to July 13!~Fun & Done Digital Manga Sales! ~ July 7 - 13 See below for the full list of titles being offered during this sale, and click on the links below to read chapter 1s FREE!
Complex Age Fairy Tail S Frau Faust The Black Museum: The Ghost and the Lady The Golden Sheep Golosseum Good Dog, Cerberus! Imperfect Girl The Knight Cartoonist and Her Orc Editor Love in Focus Moteki Museum Prince in His Dark Days Red Riding Hood's Wolf Apprentice That Wolf Boy is Mine The Wizard and His Fairy