Lief is a cheeky sixteen-year-old ruffian in the fallen wasteland of the city of Del, once home to the great Kingdom of Deltora. Sixteen years ago, his father, Jarred, pledged an oath to the true King of Deltora to return the seven gems and restore peace to the land. Unable to complete the quest himself, he has striven for years to prepare his son for the journey of a lifetime.
Now, to break the oppressive rule of the Shadow King and his Grey Guards, Lief must undertake his father’s quest with his comrade Barda, and gather the gems from the grip of evil. Will he answer the call?
Includes special extras after the story!
Rating: 13+ Pages: 208 Print Release: Sep 20, 2011 Print Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781935429296 | |
Tags: Fantasy |