Kenji Koiso is a high school student with a crush on a kendo club beauty, Natsuki Shinohara, and a knack for mathematics. His aptitude with numbers earns him a part-time working maintenance on the global virtual reality world, OZ.
One day, right before summer vacation, Natsuki asks Kenji to do her a favor -accompany her to her great-grandmother's 90th birthday celebration deep in the Japanese countryside. As Kenji tries to find his footing amongst the boisterous and tightly-knit Jinnouchi clan, receives a mysterious email with a long code and the message: "Solve me." Little does Kenji know what solving that code could lead to...
Based on the award-winning and top-selling animated film by Mamoru Hosoda!
Rating: 13+ Pages: 64 Print Release: Oct 22, 2013 Print Format: Paperback ISBN: 9781939130150 | |
Tags: Science-FictionAction & AdventureMovie/TV Tie-in |